Access Levels and Permissions

Access Levels and Permissions

In this section you will be able to:
-Manage your data Permissions (layers permissions)
-Manage users and roles
-Diagnose your layers for any existing warnings or errors

How to add a new Role

  1. Sign-in with your admin account (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on Access levels & Permissions menu then select Users & Roles management

  1. On this page you will have two tabs on the right side of the page:
    - Roles tab
    - Users tab
    Click on the + Add role in the Roles tab

  1. Fill the new role form with:
    Role Name, Role description and Role initial 



  1. Click on save to proceed with the new role or cancel if you wish not to add the new role


How to manage the new Role

Only the added new roles could be managed while the default roles cannot be modified

After adding the role, you will have the ability to:
-Delete the Role
-Edit the Role

To delete the new role click on the Delete Icon in the action column beside the role that you want
edit the role and go back to the role form click on the edit icon in the action column beside the role that you want


How to add a new user

  1. Sign-in with your Admin user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on Access levels & Permissions menu then select Users & Roles management

  1. On this page you will have two tabs at the right side of the page:
    Roles where you can find default already existing roles and
    Click on The Users tab

  1. Click on +Add new user button at the left side

  1. Fill out the new user form as follow:
    Upload a
    profile image, enter user First Name, Last Name, User Name, Nick-Name, Password, Confirm Password, Email Address, Phone Number

  1. Select the user default role/roles from the default roles list, then select the end user role/roles that you want to assign to that user from the end user roles list

  1. Click on Save to save your new user

How to manage users

As a registered user, you will have the ability to:
Edit user
Delete user
Deactivate/activate user

Edit a user and go back to the users tab, click on the edit icon in the Action column beside the user that you want
Delete a user, click on the delete button in the Action column beside the user that you want to delete
Deactivate a user, Click on the Toggle button in the Action column beside the user that you want

User profile

Each created user will have a profile containing the info added during the creation process. The User can access his profile and modify the existing info as follow

  1. Click on your name initial at the top right side of the page

  2. Click on My profile

  3. Click the edit icon to edit your user info

Data permissions

Data permissions allow you to set your permissions on all your owned layers with specific roles, whether downloaded or added to your catalogue as a contribution.
You can also manage permissions on each field under each layer and finally you can set capabilities for each layer 

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization admin user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on Access levels & Permissions menu then select Data permissions

  1. On this page, you can see all your layers, the layers you contributed with and the ones you rented

  1. Select the Role that you want to set your permissions for.
    The roles can be: Default or End-user, where the default roles are the ones existing by default after your registration and the End-user roles are the roles that you can create after the registration 

  1. Select the layers that you want this role to have access on 

  2. Unselect layers that you don’t want this role to have access on

  3. Click on the arrow beside each layer to preview its fields

  1. Select the fields that you want this role to have access on 

  2. Unselect fields that you don’t want this role to have access on.

  3. To Manage Geofence click on Manage Geofence then start drawing your polygon

  1. Click on Save to save your changes, or cancel to abort all changes

Layer Diagnosis

You can run the system diagnosis process on your layers to detect any changes between your source servers and your registered layer on FGIC and have suggestions on how to fix the issue in case of conflicts with the ability to apply the fix automatically

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization admin user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on Access levels & Permissions menu then select Diagnosis

  1. A list of all your on-boarded layers will appear on this page

  1. Click on check button beside the layer that you want to diagnose

  1. You can select some or all layers then click on check all button at the top right side to check all selected layers

  1. The result for this diagnosis check will came out in form of a small report with three outputs:
    Errors: showing critical errors that should be fixed to proceed with this layer
    Warnings: changes that will not affect working on this layer but showing that there is still minor differences between the source server and the on-boarded layer
    Passed: showing a successful layer diagnosis test

  1. Click the small arrow to show the diagnosis process log results with fixing suggestion options in case of conflicts

How to fix a conflict?

  1. Click on resolve that will appear in the report details beside the conflict explanation line

  2. You will be then redirect to the layer details page.
    Click on the edit icon beside connected Layer section

  1. Click on Load to reload again your layer then click Connect

  1. Click on Accommodate to apply changes then finish

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