Apply plugins to your selected layers

Apply plugins to your selected layers

Bookmark Plugin

The Bookmark plugin is used to save and retrieve spatial bookmarks in the user profile for quick and convenient access to specific map viewer
The bookmark plugin can be used so you can save the bookmarks that you need for your layers over the map. Your bookmark will be saved in form of a thumbnail image taken as a screenshot from your map the moment you saved it. Each bookmark will have a name and a description saved in a gallery for any needed future reference

  1. Click on the Bookmark icon

  2. Click on Add

  3. Enter Bookmark details:
    Bookmark Name,
    Bookmark Description
    Then Save

  4. Your bookmark will be then added to your gallery
  5. You can delete any bookmark by selecting the bookmark then click Delete Selected

  6. You can delete all bookmarks by Clicking on Delete All

GOTO Point Plugin

The GoTo Point plugin is used so that the user will be able to directly go to a specific point by giving the input of a specific measurement (Projected coordinates, Geographic coordinates or Decimal degree coordinates)
You can use the GoTo Point plugin to jump into a specific point with the coordinates that you want.

Projection coordinates

  1. Click the GOTO Point plugin icon
  2. Projection tab is selected by default
  3. Select your spatial reference from the drop-down list
  4. Enter your X and Y projection coordinates

  5. Click on GOTO
  6. You will notice that your point is now marked on the map


  1. Click the GOTO Point plugin icon
  2. Click on Geographic tab
  3. Enter the latitude and the longitude
  4. Click on GOTO
  5. You will notice that your point is now marked on the map

Decimal Degree

  1. Click the GOTO Point plugin icon
  2. Click on Decimal Degree tab
  3. Enter the degreeminute and second for your latitude
  4. Select the direction for your latitude whether North or South
  5. Enter the degreeminute and second for your longitude
  6. Select the direction for your longitude whether East or West
  7. Click on GOTO
  8. You will notice that your point is now marked on the map

Measurement Plugin


The measurement plugin is used to measure the coordinates of a point, the length of a polyline and the area and perimeter for a selected polygon

Polyline measurement

  1. Select the Measurement Plugin icon
  2. The Polyline measurement tab will be opened by default
  3. Choose the unit of measurement that you want for your polyline
  4. Start drawing your polyline on the map. To end the drawing double-click on the map(at the end of your drawing)
  5. The Total length for your segments will be calculated and displayed on the drawing
  6. The total length for all your segments and the length for the last segment will be calculated and displayed in the panel
  7. Click on reset to delete your drawing and its measurement

Point measurement

  1. Select the Measurement Plugin icon

  2. Click the Point tab

  3. Select your coordinate reference whether Latitude and Longitude or DegreeMinute and Second

  4. Click on the map to select the point you want to measure

  5. Your X and Y coordinate measurement will be displayed on the panel

  6. Click on copy to clipboard if you want to copy your coordinate values

  7. Click on reset to delete your drawing and its measurement


  1. Select the Measurement Plugin icon
  2. Click on Polygon tab
  3. Choose the unit of measurement that you want for your polygon
  4. Start drawing your polygon on the map. To end the drawing double-click when done or connect your last segment with the first one
  5. The Area of the polygon will be displayed on the map
  6. The Area and the Perimeter of the polygon will be calculated and displayed in the panel
  7. Click on reset to delete your drawing and its measurement

Identify Plugin

This plugin is used to identify a certain point on a certain layer over the map, so when triggered the results will be the information related to the clicked area. this plugin is working on vector layers only.

  1. Click the identify plugin icon

  2. Tap on the map to select the area that you want to identify
  3. Click the arrow right and left to move between features
  4. Click on Zoom icon to zoom on the selected feature
  5. Click on the detailed view icon to view all the fields and data for the selected feature

  6. Click on the highlight icon to highlight the selected feature

TOC Plugin


By using the TOC plugin you will be able to show your layers in order (configured layers)
and you can control each layer transparency level.
You can also disable or allow the visibility of each layer on the map and you can change the layers order by dragging the layer that you want and drop it in a different order and you will notice the immediate change on the map showing the new order for the layers.
According to the configuration, swatches can be displayed on the map for each layer

  1. Click on the TOC plugin icon 
  2. Select and Un-select any layer to control its visibility on the map (Selected layers are the visible ones)
  3. Click the three dots menu beside the layer then use the opacity slider to control the layer transparency
  4. To remove a layer, click the three dots menu beside the layer that you want to remove then click on Remove Layer 
  5. To display the layer attribute, click the three dots menu beside the layer that you want then click on Show Attributes

  6. Click and drag any layer and drop it inside the TOC panel to change its order and to control its appearance on the map
  7. Click the small arrow beside the layer that you want to show the swatch (icon representing the layer on the map)

  8. Click the Zoom icon to zoom into the layer that you want

Clip Plugin

A registered user can use the Clip plugin to clip specific pieces from one layer based on a specified boundary or criteria, creating a new layer with the clipped pieces.

  1. Click the Clip Plugin icon
  2. Select the Clipping way that you want:
    1. Clip by drawing a free hand polygon
    2. Clip by drawing a polygon
    3. Clip by Extent
    4. Or upload a file from your device

  1. Start selecting the area that you want to clip
  2. The list of layers that fall within the selected area will be listed
  3. You can select the layers that you want to include and unselect the layers that you want to remove
  4. Select the clipping result extension to be shapefile, geojson, KML or CSV
  5. Click on Add to Cart to add the clipped area with the selected layers to your cart
  6. Click your cart icon
  7. Click on Open cart 
  8. Click on checkout

Swipe Plugin

the swipe plugin is used to compare between layers. This functionality enhances the user experience by providing quick access to various views at the same time.


  1. Click on Swipe layer plugin icon
  2. The base map viewer splits with two views with the current applied base map
  3. A swipe layer list will be displaying the layers imported on the map.
    select the layer that you want to be displayed to the left of the line

  4. Click the TOC plugin (layer list) then select the layer that you want to display to the right side of the line 

  5. You can drag the line to the right or to the left to control the displayed area from each side


The base map gallery plugin is used to access and switch between different base maps each offering a unique visual representation of geospatial data.


  1. Click the base map gallery icon
  2. A gallery will open up showing the list of available base map each base map option is represented by a thumbnail preview image that provides a visual depiction of the base map's style and content
  3. Select the base map that you want to display on the map


The Print Plugin is used to print specific map data

  1. Click the Print plugin icon
  2. Enter The map name,
    Select the file type whether PDF or JPG
    Select the printing page size,
    Then select the Page orientation whether portrait or landscape

  3. Click on Print

Import Plugin

You can use this plugin to import layers from your device to your map viewer


  1. Click on the import icon
  2. Browse Your file and enter the layer name
  3. Click Upload 


The spatial search plugin is used to search with different selection options such as selecting a polygon or searching with a point buffer option.

Search by Point buffer

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Select Search by Point buffer 
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list
  4. Choose your buffer unit of measurement
  5. Enter your buffer size 
  6. Tap on the map to determine your point
  7. The features in the calculated buffer size will be searched and listed in a grid form
  8. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

Search by polyline buffer

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Click on Search by polyline buffer 
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list
  4. Choose your buffer unit of measurement
  5. Enter your buffer size 

  6. Click on the map to draw your polyline
  7. The features in the calculated buffer size will be searched and listed in a grid form
  8. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

Search by polygon

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Click on Search by polygon
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list
  4. Click on the map to draw your polygon 
  5. Your selected features will be listed in a grid form
  6. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

Search by polygon buffer

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Click on Search by polygon buffer 
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list
  4. Choose your buffer unit of measurement
  5. Enter your buffer size
  6. Click on the map to draw your polygon
  7. The features in the calculated buffer size will be searched and listed in a grid form
  8. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

Search by polygon and its buffer

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Click on Search by polygon and its buffer
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list
  4. Choose your buffer unit of measurement
  5. Enter your buffer size 
  6. Click on the map to draw your polygon
  7. The features that will display in the grid will be the intersection between the polygon that the user drew and the calculated buffer

  8. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

Search by extent

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Click on Search by Extent 
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list

  4. Click on the map to draw your extent
  5. Your selected features will be listed in a grid form
  6. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

Search by polygon buffer

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Click on Search by polygon buffer 
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list
  4. Choose your buffer unit of measurement
  5. Enter your buffer size
  6. Click on the map to draw your polygon
  7. The features in the calculated buffer size will be searched and listed in a grid form
  8. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

Search by polygon and its buffer

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Click on Search by polygon and its buffer
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list
  4. Choose your buffer unit of measurement
  5. Enter your buffer size
  6. Click on the map to draw your polygon
  7. The features that will display in the grid will be the intersection between the polygon that the user drew and the calculated buffer

  8. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

Search by extent

  1. Click on the spatial search icon
  2. Click on Search by Extent
  3. Select your layer from the drop-down list
  4. Click on the map to draw your extent
  5. Your selected features will be listed in a grid form
  6. You can click on Reset to delete your drawing

  1. Click on zoom to zoom on this specific feature
  2. Click on highlight to highlight this specific feature on the map
  3. Click on clear to clear functions performed on this specific feature
  4. Select the more info icon beside the specific feature that you want to show all its details (you can zoom or highlight this feature from the more details grid)

  5. Click on zoom all to zoom on all the listed features
  6. Click on Highlight all to highlight all the listed features
  7. Click on clear all to clear all function applied on all features
  8. Click on Detailed View to view all details for all the listed features

Show attribute Plugin


This plugin provides a table of information related to the currently opened layers. This table should offer details about available attributes for the layer.

  1. Click the Show attribute plugin icon
  2. A table will open up showing the currently selected layer’s attributes 
  3. You can switch between layers using the arrows shown in the below image
  4. You can zoom and highlight any attribute on the map by clicking the icons beside the attribute that you want

Map navigation Toolbar


the Map Navigation Toolbar is a feature-rich tool designed to enhance the user experience within the FGIC Map Viewer. It provides various functionalities to navigate the map efficiently and manage its content.

  1. Click on the zoom in icon to zoom into your map 
  2. Click on zoom out icon to zoom out of the map view
  3. Click the full screen icon to view your map in full screen
  4. Click the clear graphics icon to clear all highlights from the map
  5. Click the full extent icon to view your map in the initial extent
  6. Click the pan icon and start dragging your map to shift the map image relative to the display window without changing the viewing scale
  7. Click the back extent icon to step backward through the previous map view changes
  8. Click the Next extent icon to step forward through the map view changes

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