Features Catalogue

Features Catalogue


In this section, we will discuss how to explore and download from public layers

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization admin user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on Features Catalogue then click on Layers

  1. Here you will find the list of all public Layers that you can explore

How to search for layers

Search Criteria:

  1. Search by Data Theme: A data theme refers to the categorization or grouping of data based on a common attribute, characteristic, or topic. You can filter your layers per data theme.

  2. Search by Dataset: Under each data theme, layers are categorized into datasets. You can filter your layers per datasets

  3. Search by Data Type: Whether the layer you are searching for is a vector or raster map type

    If you selected raster data type, new filter will appear below. These filters are related to the raster layer configuration

  1. Search by Capabilities: You can choose to search for layers with specific capabilities such as print capability, edit capability, search capability and download capability. You can select more than one capability

  2. Search by Organization: here you can search with the name of the organization that published the layer

  3. Search by Modification Date: Enter the layer modification date range by clicking the From field and choosing a date from the calendar, then click on the To field and choose the date limit from the calendar

  1. Search by Release Date: Enter the layer release date range by clicking the From field and choosing a date from the calendar, then click on the To field and choose the date limit from the calendar

  1. Search by Location: You can select on the map a region that you are searching for its available layers.
    Click the map to start interacting, then Click on the + icon to zoom into the region you want then choose to draw a circular polygon, a rectangular polygon or a polygon selection over the intended region by clicking then dragging to select.
    You can click on the icon to zoom out and adjust your location
    you can clear all your selections by clicking on Clear Extent or reset filter to clear filters

-After choosing all your filters click on Search to apply your filter/s or click on reset filter to clear all filters
-You can save your filter/filters by clicking on save filter then enter filter name
-To display and apply a saved filter, click on the saved filters list, then click apply beside the filter that you want. The list of layers will open up with the applied filter

How to download a layer

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization admin user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on Features Catalogue then click on Layers

  1. Here you will find the list of all public Layers that you can download and explore

  2. Apply the search filters that you need to help you find the layers that you want to download (Click here to know How to search for layers How to search for layers)

  3. Click on Request Access beside the layer you want. Choose to download All data, Clip or request access to rent the layer

Download a layer

  1. Click on Download all data

  2. Select your download extension

  3. Click on Add to Cart

  4. The layer will be moved to your cart

Rent a layer

  1. Click on Request access

  2. The layer will be moved to your cart

Layer Cart

  1. Open your cart at the top right side

  2. You will find listed all the rented and downloaded layers

  3. Click on Open Cart

  4. Click on checkout to proceed with your download or rent process

  1. All rented layers will be added automatically into My Catalogues 

My Catalogues

My Catalogues is where you will find listed all the layers you rented and contributed with

How to list my layers

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on My Catalogues then select Layers

  3. Here you will find a list of all your rented and contributed layers

After on-boarding a new layer you can get OGC secured links for your layers for each role that can work QGIS desktop client, ArcGIS desktop client and your customized developed mobile and web application or any other OGC compliant client.

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on My Catalogues then select Layers

  3. Here you will find a list of all your rented and contributed layers

  4. Click on Security Links associated with each layer to preview the OGC secured links for this layer

  1. A window will pop-up with the OGC secured links for this layer that you can copy by clicking on the copy icon

  1. You can switch to another end-user role to get its listed OGC secured links from the Roles drop-down menu

Layer data explorer and resource center

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on My Catalogues then select Layers

  3. Click on the layer that you want

  4. Move to the developer section, Click on Data explorer

  5. A Json file with the information related to the selected layer will be displayed

  6. To open FGIC Resource Center for documentation reference, Click on Documentation in the developer section

How to list my coded lists

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on My Catalogues then select Coded Lists

  3. Here you will find listed all the coded lists you contributed with and rented

My Contributions

It is where you will find all layers you contributed with whether it’s a shared or private contribution. You can get your FGIC OGC secured link from Contribution catalogue

How to list your contributed layers

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization contributor user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on My Contributions then select Layers

  1. Here you will find a list of all the layers you contributed with 

After on-boarding a new layer you can get OGC secured links for your layers for each role that can work QGIS desktop client, ArcGIS desktop client and your customized developed mobile and web application or any other OGC compliant client.

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization Contributor user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on My Contributions then select Layers

  3. Here you will find a list of all the layers you contributed with 

  4. Click on Security Links associated with each layer to preview the OGC secured links for this layer

  1. A window will pop-up with the OGC secured links for this layer that you can copy by clicking on the copy icon

  1. You can switch to another end-user role to get its listed OGC secured links from the Roles drop-down menu

How to list your contributed coded lists

  1. Sign-in with your registered organization contributor user (check that link if you need to know How to Sign in)

  2. Click on My Contributions then select Coded lists

  1. Here you will find a list of all the coded lists you contributed with 

How to manage coded lists

You can manage your coded list by performing the following functions:

  • Add new rows to your coded list

  • Upload a coded list (CSV file) to replace the existing or to append on the existing coded list
    or you can use the smart upload to compare the two documents and update the coded list with the new data 

Add new rows

  1. Click on manage right beside the coded list that you want

  2. Click on add new row

  3. Enter the new row for each field

  4. You can click the delete icon to delete the row

  5. Save changes

  1. Upload new coded list

  1. Click on manage right beside the coded list that you want

  2. Click on upload

  3. Choose the upload method: Replace, append or smart upload

  4. Click confirm

  5. Save your changes

You can download your coded list by clicking on download

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