How to access /use a secured layer using my token?

How to access /use a secured layer using my token?

You can access any secured layer using your token depending on your preference using one of the below methods:

◦ From data source manager, add a new connection

◦ Enter connection name

◦ Enter layer URL you have from the secured links at MnA guardian edition

◦ From the authentication section, create a new authentication profile

◦ Enter profile name

◦ Change authentication type to “OAuth2 authentication”

◦ In the configure tab, change grant flow to “Resource owner”

◦ Enter token URL, for example: “${keycloakurl}/realms/${organizationName}/protocol/openid-connect/token”

◦ Enter client ID

◦ Enter client secret

◦ Provide credentials “username & password”

◦ Enter scope as “openid”

◦ In the advanced section below, change access method to “Header”

◦ Now save and connect, you should be able to list all your permitted layers
ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap10.3)

◦ From the catalog, navigate to GIS servers

◦ Add a new connection (WMS server)

◦ In the URL, add the URL you have from the secured links at MnA guardian edition, the URL should be constructed as the follow: “http://guardianURL/wmsCapability/$Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

◦ Now you should be able to list all your permitted layers
· WebApps based on OpenLayers

Create a new Image object following the below example:

import Image from 'ol/layer/Image';

let myImage = new Image(


title: layerTitle,

source: new ImageWMS(


url: layerURL,

params: {


VERSION: '1.1.1'


imageLoadFunction: function customLoader(tile, src) {

axios.get(src, {

headers: {

Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token,

PentaOrgID: tokenInfo.user.split('@')[1],

PentaSelectedLocale: ${locale},

PentaUserRole: ${role}


responseType: 'arraybuffer'


.then(({ data, _ }) => {

const base64 = btoa(

new Uint8Array(data).reduce(

(d, byte) => d + String.fromCharCode(byte),




tile.getImage().src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64;

}).catch(e => {

tile.getImage().dispatchEvent(new Event('error'));






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