How to create layouts

How to create layouts

1- Sign-in with your subscribed organization
2- Click on Contribution Catalogue select Layouts

3- Here you will find a list of all the Layouts you contributed with
4- Click on + Create new Layout at the top left side

5- Choose your layout supported language whether from the drop-down list or by check-mark the language/s (you can choose more than one language)

6- Click on Next

7- Here you will need to fill the layout basic info as follow:
      - Layout Name.
      - Alias for your layout.
      - Layout Description.
      - Layout Cover photo.
      - Layout Responsivity whether web or mobile friendly or both,
      - Edit the layout permissions to be privately shared (Only me) or shared to specific organization/s, where you will need to write down the name of the other organizations, or to be shared to the MnA public catalogue.Upload layout screen shot samples it’s the screenshots taken for the layout to show the client how it looks like as a marketing for the layout.
      - Download the layout guideline Template file, fill it then upload it back (must be compressed)

8- Fill in the layout advanced info (optional)

9- Click on Next

10- You will then be redirected to the technical info section where you will need to fill and upload the following:
      - Upload your layout source code.
      - Enter your layout URL.

11- Click on Add new row beside Styles container to add your layout style details (click on add new row as much as you want to add styles for your layout)

12- Click on Add new row beside Layout containers to fill each container info (Click on Add new rows as much as you want to add containers for your layout)

13- You will need to fill this table with the following respectively:
      - Choose a Container image for each layout container.
      - Enter the container name.
      - Enter the container description
      - Enter an Alias for the container
      - Choose whether this container is triggered (clickable) or default to just display the component
      - Choose your container Responsive whether web-friendly, Mobile-friendly or both

14- Click on Next

15- here you can preview and edit all the info you entered to create your layout then click on save to save your layout

16- Congratulations! Your layout is created successfully

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