How to list your contributed Applications

How to list your contributed Applications

  1. Log-in with your subscribed organization admin user (to know how to login follow the login process from here How to log in)
  2. Click on My Contributions then click on My Apps

  3. Here you will find a list of all the applications you contributed with
  4. You can create a new application by clicking on + Create Application at the top left side(follow this link to know How to create an application)

1      How to configure your plugins

We will discuss here as an example the identify plugin

1.1        Data settings tab

  1. Hover your mouse over the plugin that you want to configure
  2. Here you can set permissions for a certain role, to allow or disable the plugin on a specific layer for the selected application
    For example, you can choose to set permission for the default role users to use the identify plugin on the laboratory layer and disable this plugin on the hospitals layer.

  3. Select the role that you want to set your permissions for

  4. Select the layers that you want to enable for this plugin, or if you want to allow the plugin on all layers, check-mark Select All
  5. Click on the arrow beside each layer to preview and select the fields that the plugin will be applicable on
    here you can also set the tolerance value in pixels for per layer.

1.2      Behavior settings

Here you can set the overall plugin behavior on the whole map, not on specific layers
  1. Hover your mouse over the plugin that you want to configure

  2. Click on Behavior settings tab

  3. Select the role that you want to set your behavior settings for
  4. The AutoMove field can be set to true if you want to allow moving the plugin components while moving the map with your cursor.
    if you set this value to false then the plugin components will not move with the map
  5. The tolerance field is to indicate in pixels the buffering area range around the point that you want to identify

  6. Click on Save to apply your plugin configuration or cancel to discard all changes

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