


pbpm offline plugin aims to provide a view and added functionalities for the active pbpm inbox ,create new request features plus a newly outbox feature for the (to send) offline requests handler

Features in online mode:

active inbox:

  • display all active process in the selected project

create request:

  • display allowed categories and processes and creates a new process instance for the selected project


  • display stored requests and its work behavior from configuration

Features in offline mode:

active inbox:

  • once the inbox is opened once in online mode ,the data will be stored in offline storage except for process details (needs to be downloaded in order to be opened in offline)

download inbox options (online):

  • sync diffrence only
  • overwrite whole inbox

create request:

  • creates a new process instance for the selected project


  • stores all post requests doen in offline mode ,once connection restored will be reposted and the outbox will be emptied
  • repost error

  • if any repost error occured (authorization- other failures) will be logged to kebanna

handled offline requests (endpoints):

submit process:

  • if the user submitted an inbox process in offline mode,this request will be stored in the outbox once the connection is restored will be resent automatically or manually based on prefrence

create process:

  • if the user created and submitted an inbox process in offline mode,this request will be stored in the outbox once the connection is restored will be resent by creating an instance of the process and submitting automatically or manually based on prefrence

  • NOTE: create request only wont be stored ,only if submitted

unlock process /cancel process:

  • if the user unlocked any inbox process in offline mode,this request will be stored in the outbox once the connection is restored will be resent automatically or manually based on prefrence then takes effect on the inbox

getInbox/getRequest/any other get endpoint to fetch inbox data:

  • if opened once in online mode ,the results will be stored offline to be refetched if connection is lost ex : getInbox ,getRequest endpoints

  • NOTE: for getRequest to view the details for each process in inbox ,the inbox must be downloaded as a whole other wise only the opened process details will be opened in offline mode


  • this is the default settings


Repost Offline Requests Manually [Optional]

  • By default this is unchecked and it's belongs more to offline mode and its responsible for repost the created requests in offline mode and the repost by 2 ways ethier automatically when user become online or manually with button.

With Create Request [Optional]

  • By default this is checked and its responsible for appear or disappear create request tab to use it or not in the plugin.

With Pbpm Inbox [Optional]

  • By default this is checked and its responsible for appear or disappear Inbox & Outbox tabs to use it or not in the plugin.

Use Create Request In Offline Mode [Optional]

  • By default this is checked and its responsible for create request behavior on offline mode and when checked will be able to use this tab in offline & online mode. but if it is unchecked you won't be able to use this tab in offline mode

With Projects Pop-Up [Optional]

  • By default this is unchecked and its allows the user to choose the selected prohect only one time and when close and open plugin again will open on the choosen project automatically.

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