Web Hub Contribution

Web Hub Contribution

1- Sign-in with your subscribed organization
2- Click on Contribution Catalogue then click on Applications

3- Here you will find a list of all the applications you contributed with the associated ingredients
4- Click on + Create Application at the top left side

5- Choose your application supported language(s) whether from the drop-down list or by check-mark the language/s (you can choose more than one language)

6- Click on Next

7- Choose your application Type: Select Web

8- Fill in your application’s basic info as follow:
      - Application Name, Application Alias.
      - Enter your application Description.
      - Add an icon and a cover photo for your application.
      - Select the layout that you want to use for your application by clicking on choose layout tthen select your layout from the pop-up list
      - Select all the plugins that you want to use in your application

10- Click on Autoallocate if you want to automatically allocate your plugins on the selected layout, or click on Manual Allocate to manually allocate your plugins into the selected layout.

            Manual allocation scenario:
                  1- If you chose to manually allocate your plugins, you will then be redirected to the application allocator where you can allocate your plugins on your chosen layout
                  2- Click on the arrow beside each plugin to display its components

                  3- To make all components visible click on the eye icon beside the component that you want to make visible
                  4- Click on the component that you want to allocate.
                  5- Click on the component that you want to allocate, then in the allocater click on Click here that you will choose to allocate this component (close the overlapping screens first)
                  6- You still can allocate each plugin automatically by clicking on the automatic icon beside the plugin that you want. (only the visible components will be allocated).
                        Note: You can undo any allocation by clicking on the undo icon for the whole plugin or for a specific component (the undo process will go per component so you have to click till you undo all components)

                  7- Click save

            Autoallcation scenario:
                  1- By clicking on the Autoallocation botton, you will find all your plugins allocated in the default layout’s containers, and the following message will appear where you can click on Click here to switch to a manual allocation preview

11- Click on save to proceed with your application creation or previous to go back to the previous page or cancel to abort the process
12- Congrats you created your first application!
13- Now you will need to manage your users and roles and add a new role to proceed with your application.
14- You will need now to move to the next step where you have to configure your plugins on the layers that you want to use in your web hub.
15- To launch your application go to Applications, search for your application in the search bar then click on Launch

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